Terms and Conditions

By booking or participating in a tour or any related products or services with Africa Expo Tours, you agree to these Terms & Conditions.


Your booking is confirmed, and a contract is established when Africa Expo Tours or your travel agent issues a written confirmation after receiving the required deposit. Please check your confirmation carefully and notify us or the authorized agent immediately of any errors or incomplete information. Ensure that names match exactly as they appear on passports or other identification. To book a tour, you must be at least 18 years old and agree to provide complete and accurate information to Africa Expo Tours or the authorized agent.

When booking on behalf of other participants, you are designated as the primary contact for every participant in the booking. You are responsible for making all payments, notifying us or your travel agent of any changes or cancellations, and keeping your group informed. You represent that you have obtained all required consents. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of any information provided on behalf of another participant, and we are not liable for any errors or omissions.


Any special needs must be communicated to Africa Expo Tours at the time of booking. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate requests but cannot guarantee that all requests will be met due to the nature of the destinations, itineraries, or available options. If your mobility is limited, some activities may be inaccessible. Food allergies and dietary restrictions must be disclosed at the time of booking, but we cannot guarantee accommodation. Special requests or requirements do not form part of the contract and we are not liable for any failure to fulfill such requests.

Anyone under 18 at the time of travel is considered a minor and must be accompanied by an adult. All bookings with minors are subject to review and approval by Africa Expo Tours. Parental or guardian consent is required, and the accompanying adult is responsible for ensuring all legal requirements are met for travel. Africa Expo Tours is not liable for any fees, damages, or losses resulting from failure to secure necessary consents, permits, or approvals. Each adult is jointly responsible for the behavior, supervision, and well-being of minors in their care. Africa Expo Tours does not provide care services for minors and disclaims responsibility for their supervision.

Africa Expo Tours will not increase the price of your tour after full payment is received. Prices are inclusive of applicable taxes. Occasionally, we may offer reduced pricing on certain products or services, but these discounts apply only to new bookings. Existing bookings that have been confirmed and paid for are not eligible for reduced pricing. VALIDITY
Tour dates, itineraries, and prices are subject to change at any time. The current price will be confirmed at the time of booking, subject to any applicable surcharges. It is your responsibility to stay updated on specific details of your tour by checking the Africa Expo Tours website or contacting us at least 72 hours prior to departure.


Tour prices do not include international or other airfare unless explicitly stated. If you request us to arrange airfare, Africa Expo Tours acts only as a sales agent for the applicable air carrier, and their terms and conditions apply. We are not responsible for changes in air itineraries, flight times, or providing travel alerts.


The confirmation provided by Africa Expo Tours or your travel agent will include details of the final payment required. We are not responsible for any charges levied by third parties or financial institutions and will not refund any fees charged in connection with payments made to Africa Expo Tours.


It is your responsibility to obtain and carry all required documentation and identification, including valid passports, visas, permits, certificates, and insurance policies. This includes any necessary travel documents required by governmental authorities for entry, departure, and travel.


You may cancel your booking by notifying Africa Expo Tours. Cancellation fees will be determined based on the date of cancellation and are expressed as a percentage of the total price paid for the cancelled tour, product, or service.
Cancellation of a Tour: (a) 60 days or more before departure: 5% cancellation fee; the remainder of the payments will be refunded.
(b) 30-59 days before departure: 10% cancellation fee; the remainder of the payments will be refunded.
(c) Less than 30 days before departure: 15% cancellation fee; the remainder of the payments will be refunded.

Cancellation of Arrival Transfers, Pre and Post Night Accommodations, My Own Room, and Optional Activities: Cancellation before departure: Full refund if no cancellation fee is required.


A tour departure becomes guaranteed when at least one booking secured by a valid deposit is made. Africa Expo Tours guarantees all scheduled tour departures booked and secured with a valid deposit, subject to reasonable itinerary changes or health and safety concerns. If a tour is canceled by Africa Expo Tours before departure, you may choose from: (a) A substitute tour of equivalent or superior value.
(b) A substitute tour of lesser value with a refund of the price difference.
(c) A full refund of all monies paid.
Africa Expo Tours is not responsible for incidental expenses or consequential losses resulting from a canceled booking. If a significant element of the tour cannot be provided after departure, suitable alternative arrangements will be made where possible. If not possible, a refund for unused services may be provided.

Africa Expo Tours and its affiliates shall not be held liable for any damage, loss, injury, or death caused by acts or omissions of any other provider, or by any cause beyond their control, including but not limited to laws, regulations, acts of God, strikes, war, terrorism, sickness, or other unforeseen circumstances. You waive any claim against Africa Expo Tours for such loss, damage, injury, or death. In the event of loss, injury, or illness caused by negligence, Africa Expo Tours limits its liability in accordance with applicable international conventions.

By participating in any tour, you consent to being photographed or filmed by other participants or Africa Expo Tours representatives. You grant a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to Africa Expo Tours to use such images for marketing, promotions, or any other purpose without further obligation or compensation. Need help? Contact us at info@africaexpotours.com for questions related to our terms and conditions.